1. Hunters list real estates on REDAO platform
Once verified, hunters are authorized to list real estate investments on the REDAO platform. All listings are subject to approval prior to entering funding window.
2. Funding Window Opens
Once a listing is approved, investors who registered on the REDAO platform can select the number of tokens they wish to invest in. Tokens price and supply are set by hunters - the product of price and supply is the total cost of the investment.
3. Funding Window Closes
Funding window closes when 1) funding reaches the target amount; 2) funding window expires. After reaching the target amount, the deal is confirmed. Hunters must complete the acquisition of the real estate within a certain timeframe. Simultaneously, asset tokens will be distributed to the investors. If the funding fails to reach its target, deposited amount will be fully refunded to the investors.
4. Deal Completion
When the legal ownership of the real estate is transferred to to REDAO, a deal is deemed completed. Asset tokens are tradeable on the REDAO Exchange (REX). Investors who hold more than 50% of an asset tokens may propose to buy over other investors' respective tokens. Buyers can proceed to delist the real estates when they complete the acquisition.